For writing by me in other places, feel free to explore the articles below for everything from the importance of creative community to how documentary theatre can serve as a catalyst for conversation in our current political climate.
Bergstrom, Melissa. “A Creative Compass: How Documentary Theatre Can Lead Us Forward Post-Election.” Adewunmi Oke (Ed.). Howlround, January 21, 2017.
Bergstrom, Melissa. “Creative Contingencies: Making Peace With My Day Job(s).” Ramona Ostrowski (Ed.). Howlround, May 26, 2015.
Bergstrom, Melissa. “The Gift of Creative Community.” Jess Pillmore (Ed.). Creatively Independent, December 21, 2015.
Bergstrom, Melissa. “Slowing Down for Success.” Ramona Ostrowski (Ed.). Howlround, September 1, 2015.
Bergstrom, Melissa “BIG WORK.” (Self-published script). co-authored with Kate Marple; Amazon Kindle, April 25, 2017.
Bergstrom, Melissa “BIG WORK.” (Self-published audioplay). co-authored with Kate Marple; Audible, May 15, 2017.
Bergstrom, Melissa “Interviewees, Actors, and Audiences: the Theatrical Balancing Act of Documentary Playmaking.” co-authored with Kate Marple; Adewunmi Oke (Ed.). Howlround, March 9, 2016.